CTG Case 24

Baseline heart frequency


33 year old G 2 P 1. Gest week  40+1.  VBAC. Normal pregnancy. Admitted to hospital contracting since 02.00. Admission test normal. VE:Cx  ful-ly effaced, dilated 3 cm, vx -2.  

  • 09.04 IUPC inserted and FSE applied.
  • 10.40 IUPC comes out and is replaced with an external toco transducer.
  • 12.18 IUPC inserted. VE: Cx fully effaced, dilated 4 cm, vx -2. Epidural sited.
  • 16.30 VE: Cx fully effaced, dilated 5 cm, vx-1. Oxytocin infusion started.
  • 20.30 VE: Cx fully dilated, vx at the spines.
  • 22.29 Active pushing started.
  • 22.45 Baby girl born. Birth weight 3 550 g. Umbilical cord once around the neck and once around the body.

Apgar score 8/10

Cord gases

pH pCO2 BE
Artery 7.19 10.1 -8.8
Vein 7.31 7.4 -4.9



A case with hyperstimulation despite previous section. Fetus cannot keep its baseline towards the end, however labour progresses well with active pushing.

uploaded 10/3/2013 by Neoventa Medical