CTG Case 20

Late repetitive decelerations


A 39 year old G1 P0 in gestation weeks 41+5 is admitted to the labour ward contracting since 23.00 and SROM since 22.00

  • 12:00 VE: Cx fully effaced, 3 cm dilated, vx-2. Clear liquor draining.
  • 13:00 Epidural sited.
  • 16:37 VE fully effaced, 4 cm dilated, vx -1. FSE applied. Baseline heart rate is increasing. Maternal temperature 38.2 C. IV antibiotics and paracetamol given.
  • 17:00 Oxytocin infusion started.
  • 18:40 Recurrent late decelerations noted.
  • 19:20 Physician decides to perform caesarean section.
  • 19:48 Baby girl born. Birth weight 3 510 g.

Apgar score: 4,7,7.

Baby girl admitted to NICU for observation and antibiotics treatment for presumed sepsis. Group B strep found. The baby is discharged in good condition after 9 days.

Cord gases

pH pCO2 BE
Artery 6.95 7.2 -16.2
Vein 6.99 6.7 -11.0



Recurrent late decelerations and increasing baseline heart rate with minimal variability is an abnormal trace. In the presence of maternal pyrexia, close observation is warranted. At 19.30 the fetus has difficulties to keep its baseline heart rate and the variability is decreasing.

uploaded 2012-11-21 by Neoventa Medical