CTG Case 15

Early uniform decelerations


A 27 year old G1 P0. Gestation week 39+3 admitted to hospital in spontaneous labour.  VE on admission at 09.00: Cx fully effaced, 3 cm dilated, vx-2. Normal pregnancy.  External CTG tracing is normal on admission.

  • 09.59 VE: Cx fully effaced, 3 cm dilated, vx -2, status quo. ARM performed, meconium stained liquor draining. FSE and IUPC applied.
  • 10.55 Epidural sited on maternal request.
  • 11.05 Oxytocin infusion initiated.
  • 11.44 VE: Cx fully effaced, 5 cm dilated, vx -2. Oxytocin infusion increased per protocol.
  • 13.36 VE: Cx edematous, 5 cm dilated, vx -1.
  • 15.40 VE: Cx fully effaced, dilated 8 cm, brow presentation. Physician decides to perform an emergency caesarean section.
  • 16.59 Emergency caesarean section. Babyboy. Apgar 9, 10, 10.

Cord gases

pH pCO2 BE
Artery 7.32 7.4 -2.1
Vein 7.36 7.3 -1.9



In this case you can see early uniform decelerations throughout labour. The progress is slow and in the end a brow presentation is verified and it all results in a caesarean section. The early uniform decelerations are normal and they are a sign of fetal head pressure.

uploaded 2012-05-21 by Neoventa Medical