ST Case 2

Guidelines not followed


23 year old  G1/P0. Gest.week 41+6.  Normal pregnancy.

  • 16:00 Admitted in early labour with weak contractions.  VE: Cx 1 cm long, 2 cm dilated, vx -2.
  • 18:20 Tachycardia and unprovoked decelerations. VE: Cx 1 cm long, dilated 2 cm, vx -2. Decision made for ARM and FSE. ARM, thin meconiumstained liquor draining. FSE applied. ST Analysis initiated.
  • 18:53 Unprovoked  deceleration. Patient on the left lateral side.
  • 19:03 First ST event.  Obsterician  decides to continue labour.
  • 19:07 Second ST event. VE: Cx fully effaced, dilated 2 cm, vx -2.
  • 19:57-19:59 4 ST events in 2 minutes with an increasing rise.
  • 20:08 VE: Cx fully effaced, dilated 3 cm, vx -2.
  • 20:22 Decision made for caesarean section.
  • 20:48 Babygirl born. AS 4,7,8. Birthweight 2 720 g.

Cord gases

pH pCO2 BE
Artery 6.92 7.2 -13.1
Vein 7.04 6.1 -8.7


Babygirl admitted to NICU, discharged after 7 days.


STAN GL are not followed. Patient in early labor with meconiumstained liquor. At 19:03 there is an ST Event  and patient is in early labor. Notice the X:es quick rise during the end of the bradycardia episode.

uploaded 2011-11-14 by Neoventa Medical